It is March 21, 2020
I am listening to the Grateful Dead Show on KBOO community radio which is another story in itself.
I am parked outside of the Bison Cafe in NE Portland Oregon. Having now been living, urban camping in my 23 foot step van since July of 2019.
Urban camping is especially a strange and challenging lifestyle. I have been working towards this for some time, although the actual working is still taking place. I have procrastinated many hours away because without a structure to my life, I am to distracted with my ADHD to settle down.
Now that the Corvid-19 virus is here, I am feeling more motivated and having survived the winter without having hooked up my little Dickinson Wood burning stove that is meant for those of us who might be living an alternative lifestyle. Actually made in Canada for marine use, but it has promised to be very excellant in my short van of which the living space is shortened to about 13 get long.
There are all kinds of blogs and ideas out there or van conversations and I am so far out of the box I did not follow any of them really.
Onward, this will be of my hang outs, no not the online hang out, but real time because I can use the internet here. However, there is a sign that says no overnight parking. Cully Blvd. Alliance.
March 22, 2020 no more hangouts for awhile, I am fixed here at my new home in SE at my adopted family who are also from another state. We do share a similar state of mind and they and I have been very close for the last 13 years.
I put the levelling blocks togetther this afternnon and backed my truck onto them. It looks pretty level, so I take out my torpedo level and viola, no not the instrument; the bubble in the level, only off one or two degrees. Sometimes we get lucky, but other times we practice and do well. There was steong motivation for me to get the truck leveled becuse my weather app says 95% chance of rain tomorrow.
It looks like a tornado went though the interior of my truck, I completely took almost everything out of where it was stowed. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to clutter or organization. Going to work has almost always been good for me because it provides an established structure. Did I mention I have ADD or some kind of variant to that.