Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Just about July 1, 2020

My whole intention right now is listening to music at Daryls House, where he invites other musicians to come and play music and he also has guest chefs for the food part. I can listen to the music and also transcribe my thoughts here at the same time.

Today was a bit unusual. I went to pick up a package on my little get around 1982 Honda XL 185S that I purchased a few weeks ago. I have a little difficulty getting my right leg over the seat and getting it on to the kick starter lever which is on the right side of the bike.

Once I got the bike started, I rode across town, Portland, Oregon from the NE to the SE to pick up a package but also to go to my storage and again, the 2nd or 3rd time trying to find my messenger bag. Got it, almost missed it again after totally rearranging that small 5 foot by 5 foot space. My goal this summer is finish the cabinets in my truck, get rid of the storage at the give it up place. Anyway, back to the pick up.

I get to the pick up location and get off my bike and go into the Plaid Pantry, chain local convienence store. I got to the hub locker popped it open, got my package and back outside. Reached in my pocket for my bike key. Well, it wasn't in any of my pockets, not on the ground, back track into store, not showing up there either. Not feeling real good about it. I almost called for a ride, but then got hold of the locker company, Amazon and after several minutes got them to open the locker thinking I dropped it in there. It was empty.

I have a spare key, over on the other side of town, where I had come from. Called the cab company, Radio Cab and a the driver drove on all these small streets, faster than the posted speed. I know as a professional driver, not going to tell him anything about his driving. He is a professional too and I am in the back seat and many of us know what it is like to have to listen to someone telling us how to drive. Get to the truck, get the key, drop some other things off and back the way we came. I gave him a handsome tip, because he is an excellent driver.

Got the bike going again and decided my other errands could wait to tomorrow. Came right back to the truck, my mobile living situation and using the tools that I had picked up to compress the spring on a pair of shocks I bought to take a specific part off that is missing from my motorcycle. No, couldn't use these shocks on my bike, from a different size bike, but the parts are similar. Got the hang of the tool, not quite like on the video I watched on You Tube but I managed. With that, I was done.

The loss of my two keys got me in a bad place. I intend to go back there tomorrow and bring a magnate and push it under places in the store I could not see under etc. and finish up my errands, likely buy some fireworks and get ready for the 4th. We don't have any loud fireworks in this state, but there are people living here who have them. Those loud booming fireworks scare animals, children, babies and throw some veterans into PTSD action and that is scary for them and sometimes us.

I know that about veterans from living with one who was in the Marine Corps in Vietnam, Khe San in 1968 in the Ten offensive. That is another chapter and onward here. July1, 2020 10-4 over and out!