I've not been able to post for days, maybe weeks. I've lost track of the necessity to post. I've been working over 40 hours a week and the variety of the work has taken a toll on me.
My situation at home has changed. I've submitted my 30 day notice to quit my apartment and received a list of what is required by the property management company for me to get my deposit back in regards to cleaning my place. I will manage it, because I need the money and it is just cleaning. I'm really good at cleaning sometimes. I'll be really good at this, because it benefits me and I will see results for my actions.
I have been looking for a new place to live and met a man yesterday, from CA who is living up here in North Portland, leasing a house that he is renting out the bedrooms for much less than I am paying for this apartment. I'm hoping that he will find me to be the most likely candidate to rent to.
It is rather a leap of faith to quit ones residence without having a place to move to. I have to remember that with every closing of a door a new one unlocks. All I have to do is approach it and turn the knob, open it and walk in. Behold the wonders beyond the door!
I have been just surviving and I want to go beyond that, want to thrive as Kaiser Health suggests we do by becoming a member for just $1500.o0 a month or whatever amount I can't afford is. It's less through my union.
I'm on Jackson Browne's website and a medley of songs is playing. That's all I need sometimes to remind me of my past life, my ideals.
Well, it is not taking my html link again. Maybe it is because I can't put it in one line. I don't know, but if you want to listen to Jackson, just google him and you will hear what I am hearing.