Monday, January 26, 2009

I was spiraling downward yesterday afternoon.....

It is always something. I got up pretty early to fresh snow on the ground, didn't even take any pictures. Took Buster for a walk and got right onto the laundry. Did, went to the bread store, 3 loves of multigrain bread for $5 and with my senior discount on Sundays and Wed's. $4.50. No high fructose corn syrup and only good ingredients baked right here is Portland. I mistakenly bought sweet rolls, the kind that are loaded with sugar and ate all of them when I got home. I was out of it after that. I think that white sugar must drive me to depression.

I'm up early this morning to drink coffee, walk and feed Buster and be at work by 0600. During the week my structure comes back and I am fulfilling my purpose, at least the part of it that earns my living and I driving a big yellow bus does contribute in a positive aspect to society.

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